Our Vision and Values
Mission Statement
To provide a safe and supportive environment for our students to be educationally extended and challenged so that they may be motivated with a passion to learn.
‘Mining every opportunity’ so our students will be confident, successful, lifelong learners.
Goldfields Sam (our school logo and mascot) brings Sam to 'life' for our students, staff, whanau and community.
Goldfields Sam reminds us of our school values by always telling us to do things R.I.G.H.T.!
At Kūmara School doing things R.I.G.H.T. means acting and thinking in a manner with Respect (whakaute), Inquiry (pakirehua), Growth (tupu), Hauora (wellbeing), & Teamwork (mahi tahi).
Graduate Profile
Principal - Mandy Dodds principal@kumara.school.nz I (03) 736 9832 I (021) 687 933 I 68 Fifth Street, Kumara, 7832