Haere Mai

Welcome to Kūmara School

"Mining every opportunity so our students will be confident, successful, lifelong learners."

Kūmara School is a U1 full primary school situated in a semi-rural setting on the West Coast of New Zealand. Established in 1877, Kūmara School currently has a roll of 28 pupils which are split over two multi-levelled classrooms. Our teaching team consists of a teaching principal and three classroom teachers. This team is well supported by our fantastic Board of Trustees, our learning assistants, our office administrator, our cleaner and our caretaker, and our wider school community. Kūmara School is well resourced, with its own pool and library onsite. We are very lucky with our large outside areas which include a court space, field area for outdoor sports, trees to climb in, a school fort and climbing frames.

Currently, our school is serviced by two buses and we often use the Kūmara community van to help us travel to events such as swimming sports and school camps. Our school vision is 'Mining every opportunity' so our students will be confident, successful, lifelong learners. The visual symbol of our vision is 'Goldfields Sam', a hardworking miner who reflects our town's gold-mining history. 

Kumara Movie.mp4


Kūmara School, 68 Fifth Street, Kumara 7832

Kylie Muggeridge, Office Administrator

Email: office@kumara.school.nz 

Phone: 03 736 9832

(Our office administrator currently works between 9am-3pm Monday, Wednesday to Friday)

 Principal - Mandy Dodds principal@kumara.school.nz       I       (03) 736 9832       I     

  (021) 687 933       I       68 Fifth Street, Kumara, 7832